"Queerly-Shaped Things" (spring 2024)

This object is a knitting curriculum. It is an exploration of what happens during knitting. A measurement of time, emotions, practice, and connection between self and others. Knitting harbors evidence of my queerness and mental illness; logging my joy, struggles, frustration, and care within every stitch.

Knitted objects map not only the lives of those constructing garments from twisted fibers, but so many more, unknowable. This readable object asks you to consider the slow labor of our lively practices. Knit, Contemplate, Un-do, and Re-Do. We are interconnected in every aspect imaginable, knitted then elaborately felted together.
flag book printed on vellum, assembled, bound with white cotton thread. 4.25 x 2.75 x 0.25 inches.

References & Further reading
After Globalism Writing Group (2018) A Queerness of Extraction.
Lola Arellano-Fryer (2020) Knitting as Queer Metaphor: A Shawl Pattern by Lola Arellano-Fryer
Linda Knight (2013) Knitted Images in Cartographies of Becoming in Education
Eleanor Medhurst (2022) Lesbian knitting: from self-sufficiency to self-representation
Christien Meindertsma (2013)The Collected Knitwork Of Loes Veenstra
Alyssa D. Niccolini, Shiva Zarabadi & Jessica Ringrose (2018)Spinning Yarns: Affective Kinshipping as Posthuman Pedagogy.

Title references A Queerness of Extraction by After Globalism Writing Group,
“How did we get to the here and now? What is to be done about the here and now? Where do we go from this or other heres and nows?” (p. 32)

Images presented in the printed work are from the artist’s personal archive and knitting guides on