

Introduction+Lesson 1

Welcome to Comics-Online, an online comics unit by Bunnli! Use this unit as a resource for developing your own stories or as a supplement to your creative routine.
Lesson 1: Four-Panel Diaries
To begin this unit, we'll start with an assignment called Four-Panel Diaries. For this lesson you'll keep a daily log of your experiences through four-panel comics. Each day for a week: choose a moment from your day to document in four-panels. These should only take about 15-30 minutes of your time! Materials: pencil, ink, digital-ink

Lesson 2

Fan-Made Retelling
In this lesson, you'll take a closer look at one of your favorite movies, books, video games, or television episodes. Once you've chosen a story, you'll create a graphic retelling it. You will need to organize the vital information of your chosen media to retell it in a different format. You are encouraged to storyboard or seek out existing storyboards/scripts of the chosen media to gain an understanding of important points if some guidance is needed. The goal with this lesson is to consider the most important areas of a story to retell it to an audience.
Stories will be 3-5 pages in length, in your preferred medium (ink, pencil, digital, paint, etc.)

Lesson 3

Visual Development Moodboard
You will now begin planning your own comic story with a preliminary lesson in visual development. For this lesson, you will create a sample set of characters, environment, props, and a brief description of the story/plot. This lesson will allow you to develop the work’s style and atmosphere as well as brainstorm ideas. You're encouraged to try out digital illustration for this lesson, but are welcome to use traditional media if your final comic will appear in that medium/style. In which case the following tutorial can assist you with scanning your work into a digital program for manipulation and print.

Lesson 4

Plot Board Game
Using board games as reference, You will create your own game to demonstrate the plot of your comic. Board games typically have player pieces, a game board, action cards, and a spinner or dice. You will need to consider who the players are in this game, the journey they’re on, what conflicts could possibly occur, how long it will take, and finally, what happens at the end? You will create a game board, player pieces, and five ‘chance’ cards.You can use Google Slides, or and created assets to set up the game. The chance cards will provide the opportunity to change the fates of your characters to brainstorm the plot of the story.

Lesson 5

The Final Comic
Using the preliminary lessons and the skills learned so far, You'll create a longer-form comic for this final lesson. From the earlier lessons, consider an idea or theme that is important to you, as well as a drawing style you’re interested in exploring. The comic will be in the medium proposed in Lesson 3, and will be 10 pages maximum in length.


These lessons are geared towards both experienced comics artists and beginners looking to practice their skills in story development. If you enjoyed these lessons, please share your work, I'd love to see it! You can use #BunnliComicsOnline on Instagram to share what you've created. If you have any questions or tips to make this unit more helpful to online learners, send me a message! Instagram